
Management and foreign languages program

Business Administration Program

Igor Prisac

Entrepreneurial activity is a domain which benefits from an increasing momentum in implication within the society and it contains a lot of instruments for promoting the evangelical mission. The problem which needs to be solved in reaching this objective is that there aren’t enough Christian entrepreneurs which can demonstrate success in terms of profit as well as in living as Christ’s disciples.

Starting with 2013, we are preparing specialists in the field of business administration, which includes a good combination between biblical, theological and Christian ethics in a proportion of 35%. The courses which relate to the field of business administration are taught by professors from Moldova as well as from countries such as Romania, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Canada and USA. This combination of advantages benefits the students in becoming not only successful entrepreneurs/managers but people with strong characters, with biblical values and with a Christian impact. The length of studies is three years after which the students will have their license examinations. The students which are a part of this program benefit from all the facilities which UDG has to offer, such as: dormitories, meals, access to the library, access to the computer lab and Wi-Fi internet.

It is obvious that an important element in developing a profitable business is the network of partners, suppliers and investors. A contact which can be further developed can determine the course of your business, career and even your involvement in the society. This program is oriented to stimulate and assist the student through the promotion of partnerships and systematic organization of seminars and business consulting for the entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova within the Business Development Institute of UDG. Through this favorable medium, we seek multilateral development, comprehension and practical application of the knowledge which is accumulated by the students of the management and foreign languages program. This objective is realized by our teachers which have didactic abilities and also experience in the things they teach, serving as entrepreneurs, consultants, directors and managers of companies or organizations.

We all know that the business language of today is English. Those who don’t speak fluent English lack a significant advantage in administering a business, especially in developing new markets, partnerships and contacts with clients. Within our institution we have professors from Moldova as well as from USA which help with increasing the level of mastery for English.
In the process of fulfilling these objectives, we benefit from the experience, the good practices and the resources of our partners from Romania, Switzerland and USA. A strategic partner at the academic level is Emanuel University from Oradea which has demonstrated a remarkable experience in preparing specialists in the field of business administration through their Management program.

At the development level of small and medium-sized enterprises, our faculty and the Business Development Institute is in a tight collaboration with ROMCOM Company from Romania and Swiss Consulting Group SCG AG from Switzerland. Together we contribute to promoting enterprises from the country through seminars which are taught by trainers with international experience and through consulting which is done based on innovative methods and techniques which have the objective of discovering the success factor. Also, with the development of such contacts, the process of obtaining investments becomes more accessible, a part which many times is crucial in launching a profitable business in the Republic of Moldova.

We look forward towards a fruitful collaboration in the process of creating your future as servants in the kingdom of God through businesses and durable social initiatives.

PhD Igor Prisac, 
Dean of the Management and foreign languages program
Director of Business Development Institute of Divitia Gratiae University
tel: +373 22 541030
cell: +373 68213355, 69460334
e-mail: ida@old.uni-dg.md

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