
A message from the Academic Dean

What is Divitia Gratiae University?

Mihai Malancea

The scope and the activities of the university

Divitia Gratiae University (UDG) is the successor to the College of Theology and Education. This institution is preparing Christian men and women to serve evangelical churches from the Republic of Moldova and other countries of Europe and Central Asia. This university is a theological institution making a major impact in theological, social, transcultural mission and business spheres.

In order to achieve its educational goals, the university offers degrees in Pastoral Theology, Theology and Intercultural Studies, Social Assistance and Business Administration.
UDG also offers post-graduate studies in spiritual counseling, social assistance and applied theology in association with other universities.

The philosophy of the educational process

Our institution is dedicated towards restoring God’s creation through Jesus Christ. The standard manual of our life of faith and teaching is the Holy Bible, which serves as a tool for constructive critique in terms of theology, sociology, counseling and missions. Our model is Jesus Christ crucified and risen. Our method is discipleship through quality training and mentoring. Our counselor, source of power and guide in this process is God the Holy Spirit. Christian discipleship is a holistic process, involving both mind and spirit. UDG courses are taught by professors from the Republic of Moldova, United States, Switzerland and Great Britain. These teachers fear the Lord and are competent and prepared in fields such as: theology, social work, missions and entrepreneurial management. The teachers are selected based on their competencies, academic qualifications and experience in intercultural mission. Sharing such rich experience and being involved in teaching courses in other countries, our educational process blends knowledge with experience and practice.

Educational programs

Each program is built on three important pillars: the word of God, the home culture of the students and the fundamental needs of the people served. Also, the university is preparing and issuing bachelor degrees in theology, social work, intercultural studies and business management, as well as masters’ degrees in spiritual counseling, theology and social work.

Our staff

The main strength of our institution is reflected through our teachers, who work and serve as a united family. At the moment, UDG has the largest number of professors from the evangelical community of the (Commonwealth of Independent States) with masters degrees and PhD’s in theology, missions and social sciences.

Our family consists of 61 professors. 40 are Moldovan, while 21 come from Romania, USA, Great Britain, Switzerland and Germany. Being very well prepared academically and having rich experience in mission, several of our professors are also involved in teaching in theological institutions in Western Europe and Central Asia.

An invitation from heart to heart

If you hear God’s calling to one of the programs we offer, and you have a desire to be a part in restoring God’s kingdom, according to God’s plan and taking into consideration that this process involves chiseling, Divitia Gratiae University is the place where God can equip you under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the experienced hand of our professors.

Mihail Malancea, PhD,

Academic Dean of Divitia Gratiae University